Accounting for Research and Development Costs. AARF Discussion Paper No. 5, 1980
Principal Author of the IASC's Conceptual Framework. 1989
Accounting for Leases: A New Approach - Recognition by Lessees of Assets and Liabilities Arising under Lease Contracts. G4+1 Discussion Paper (issued by AASB, CASB, IASC, NZ ASRB, NZ FRSB, UK ASB, US FASB). 1996
An Insider's View of the Current State and Future Direction of International Accounting Standard Setting. Accounting Horizons, Vol. 13 No. 2, June 1999
Whither Fair Value Accounting? The Future of Fair Value in The Routledge Companion to Fair Value and Financial Reporting. Routledge, 2007
IASB and FASB Face Challenges in Pursuit of Joint Conceptual Framework. with Donna Street, Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, Vol. 18 No. 1, Spring 2007
Accounting for Agricultural Activities in Global Financial Reporting: Development, Application and Enforcement of IFRS. Schaffer-Poeschal Verlag Stuttgart, 2008
Peter Edwards Memorial Lecture. CPA & University of Adelaide, 2011
The 2012 Ken Spencer Memorial Lecture, Setting Accounting Standards: Politics, Processes, Philosophies and Personalities - the Experiences of the IASB, KPMG & FRC. May 2012
In Defence of IFRS Financial Statements. CPA Australia, 2012
Personal Reflections on Ten Years of the IASB. Australian Accounting Review, No. 62 Vol. 22 Issue 3 2012
It's time... for Global, High Quality Public Sector Financial Reporting. ICAA May 2013
AASB Occasional Paper No 1, Liabilities - the Neglected Element: A Conceptual Analysis of the Financial Reporting of Liabilities. October 2013
Accounting for Service Concession Arrangements. With Sean Rugers and Amy Senti. PwC Discussion Paper, February 2015